Can you explain the theme of the zine?
The R Stands for Redemption aims to show Damian Wayne in canon settings, whether it be in comics, movies, or video games. In line with the title, we’d like to see pieces that talk about his growth as a character given his history and the many trials he has gone through. The zine is SFW and Gen, and allows the exploration of different familial and platonic bonds Damian has formed in his stories.
What are the zine specs? How many applicants do you plan on accepting?
A5, perfect bound. The number of applicants we will accept will depend on the results of the interest check.
How will contributors be compensated?
If we make enough sales, we will be able to compensate our contributors with the zine’s full bundle. Otherwise, we aim to at least be able to provide them with a physical copy, along with any digital goods. Remaining proceeds will be donated to charity.
Where will communication take place?
All communication will take place on Discord, so you must have an account to be part. However, we will also be forwarding important announcements via Email.
What will be expected of accepted applicants?
We will share the guideline details to our contributors once they’re on board, but everyone will be required to create an original, unpublished piece based on a pitch they will give. Artists will be expected to create an illustrated, fully rendered piece, merch artists will create designs for the merchandise they are assigned to, while writers will be expected to write a story with a 3K word count limit.
Do we need Damian Wayne content to apply?
Not necessarily, but it is highly encouraged so we have a good grasp of how you’ll portray the character. See our Application Guidelines for more details.
How will you judge applications?
We will judge applications based on the samples you apply with. We will not be screening applicants based on their social media activity. The moderators respect everyone’s decision to consume and create whatever fictional content they want in their own space and time. However, applications should reflect the zine's Gen and SFW themes as much as possible.
I have more questions!
No problem! You can either DM us on Twitter, email us at [email protected], or head to our asks on Tumblr for them to be addressed!
Application Guidelines
To adhere to our zine’s Gen, SFW theme, all samples must be SFW.
If applying for both Artist (Page or Merch) and Writer, if accepted, you will only be accepted for one position.
We will be asking for three of your best samples, as well as a portfolio.
Please ensure that your links are accessible.
Pieces with Damian Wayne are highly encouraged, but not required.
Artist Guidelines
We will be asking for three of your best samples. At least one piece must have a fully rendered background. Pieces should be representative of the style you wish to use for the zine.
Additionally, we would like to see a portfolio with more samples of your art. This can come in the form of a Google Drive Folder, an Art Tag on Tumblr, Artstation, or any other portfolio website.
At least one piece featuring DC Characters, specifically Damian Wayne, is recommended, but not required.
We will also ask if applicants are interested in doing the zine’s cover.
Merch Artist Guidelines
We will be asking for three of your best samples. Pieces should reflect the kind of merch you are interested in creating.
Pieces with detailed backgrounds are not requirements, but needed if you are interested in creating merch items such as postcards, prints, wallpapers, etc.
Sketches and WIPs are not allowed.
Additionally, we would like to see a portfolio with more samples of your art. This can come in the form of a Google Drive Folder, an Art Tag on Tumblr, Artstation, or any other portfolio website.
Writer Guidelines
We will be asking for three of your best samples. Each piece should not exceed 2500 words, though an overflow of 50 words will be permitted.
Samples can be excerpts, but should still adhere to the given word count.
Pieces with Damian Wayne are highly encouraged.
At least one piece should be completed, and at least one DC fic is required. These can either be the same sample or different ones.
Additionally, we would like to see a portfolio with more samples of your writing. This can come in the form of a Google Drive Folder or AO3.